Buy Bags for Women and Men.
We love Bags! That's why at Roundtrip Shop we have a selection of the most outstanding women's bags and shoulder bags from the most fashionable brands. Bags are a safe bet to make your style different from everyone else, their shapes, colours and sustainable materials make you fall in love with these accessories. Don't miss the shoulder bags, as well as the kraft paper bags and of course their big bet for the urban backpacks for girls. If you are a traveller and you like to be elegant, the big bags are a great choice because you will feel comfortable and sophisticated, of course our bags and backpacks are of great quality. Discover very urban bags, they are very much for walking around the city. Whether you want a doctor's bag, clutch, tote or messenger bag, you'll love them. In addition to the faux leather materials, Original bags also come in a range of colours to make you shine. As you will see, at Roundtrip Shop you will find the women's bag or shoulder bag you need for your urban style.